Escaping Common Core*
Setting Our Children Free
God is calling Christian parents to separate their precious children from Public Schools to save them from a secular (Socialist) world view. Common Core is a new label for state-controlled public education standards in an ongoing attempt to dumb down the American educational system, a struggle that has raged for nearly 200 years. Common Core is a deficient education designed to produce the Common Herd work force for the New World Order.
We are NOT advocating that Christian parents aggressively try to reform the public school system from within. That concept is NOT biblical, has been tried for 40 years, and will never work. Scripture commands families to provide Christian education, not a secular or godless education.
We advocate that Christian parents remove their children from public schools to enroll them in the safe sanctuary of private Christian schools, home school or online Christian education, The Bible tells the believer: 'Come out from among them and be ye separate, says the Lord...' (2 Cor. 6:17). Many parents today refuse to address the spiritual forces endangering their children's beloved eternal souls in public schools. Many are too in love with the world's system - even if they have to send their children to a pagan, atheistic, hostile public school. Our approach is Biblical, following the express teaching of the Bible on how to raise and educate children, an essential part of our Christian walk of faith and obedience to Christ.
15 Speakers
approx. 1 hour
Watch Trailer (this link will take you to the films website)