God Made Animals

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A Biblical Worldview Biology Course (5-7 Grade)

O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all.
The earth is full of Your possessions.
(Psalm 104: 24)

Science should never be boring. If science is boring, then God is boring, uninteresting, and unworthy of praise and nothing could be further from the truth. The glory and wonder of God is the underlying commitment for this new study of God's world—an introduction to zoology for children, young and old alike. The relevance, the purpose, and the excitement of science must be evident to the student on every page, and in every paragraph.

This exhilarating introduction to science attempts to knit together life application, dominion, worship due the Creator, and biblical wisdom with the facts of nature in a beautiful whole.

This text attempts to bring in every cool fact, every outstanding feature of the animal kingdom, and every possible demonstration of the Creator's wisdom, power, and goodness—so that parent, teacher, and student cannot help but respond in worship.

Textbook - Features Include:

  • A biblical worldview concerning science
  • A defense of creation against the evolutionary worldview
  • Hundreds of applicable, relevant Scriptures
  • A complete introduction to insects, birds, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals
  • Thousands of truly awe-inspiring reasons to praise God
  • Easy, real-life application to help kids take godly rule over animals
  • A suggested hymn of praise with every chapter
  • Suggestions for the coolest videos on the animal kingdom
By Kevin Swanson
287 Pages, Paperback

    Student Workbook - Features Include:

    • Study questions for each chapter of God Made Animals 
    • 1-year lesson schedule
    • Practical and fascinating observation and dissection exercises
    • Scripture exercises
    • Spiritual life application questions 
    • Answer key
      by Kevin Swanson
      173 Pages, Paperback


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