Great Christian Classics Vol. 3

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In the history of the world, an abundance of literature has been produced and preserved. There is far more literature available in the world than any single person could read. How then do we prioritize what to read? What writings are worthy of our attention as Christians? The first obvious answer is the Holy Bible: God's written Word. The Scriptures are the very Word of God and demand our greatest attention. Second to the Scriptures, Christian readers should seek out non-inspired literature that is both edifying and of enduring value. In this collection of Great Christian Classics, the reader will find both characteristics fully met.

Textbook Features:

  • Five enduring Christian classics
  • Explanatory notes aiding the reader in understanding vocabulary, historical background, and content
  • Introductions to each classic work

Edited by R.A. Sheats, Joshua Schwisow, and Kevin Swanson

617 Pages, Hardcover

Beowulf (c. 8th century AD)

This epic poem from the Anglo-Saxon period reveals the budding Christian influence that was spreading into the British Isles and Scandinavia. Here is an engaging tale of the heroic struggle to overcome evil

John Milton Paradise Lost (1674)

Often considered the greatest poem in the English language, Milton seeks to "justify the ways of God to men." In the form of elevated epic poetry, Milton sets forth something of the grandeur and incomprehensible wisdom of God's redemption in Christ.

Martin Luther The Freedom of a Christian (1520)

Written in the first years of the Protestant Reformation, Luther's Freedom of a Christian sets forth with clarity some of the most pressing issues of the Reformation period: the authority of God's Word, justification by faith alone, the role of good works, and the joyful inheritance of liberty in Christ.

Jonathan Edwards Sermons of Jonathan Edwards (1736- 1749)

In this collection of three sermons, the reader will find some of the most important matters of God's Word dealt with in a forthright and applicable way. Includes Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, The Excellency of Christ, and Heaven, a World of Love.

A.W. Tozer The Pursuit of God (1948)

Written to counter the spiritual downgrade occurring in American evangelicalism, Tozer's The Pursuit of God is a wake-up call to Christians. Let us pursue knowing God as the "strength of our heart and our portion forever" (Ps. 73:25-26).

Workbook Features:

  • Flexibility and options allow parents/educators to choose between a 5-day per week full course schedule or a 4-day per week reduced schedule
  • Vocabulary strengthening exercises target key words or phrases, reinforcing unfamiliar or archaic words used in the
  • Literature examination and analysis allow students to learn and interact with various literary styles and concepts and to enhance their own writing through the use of literary structures and tools
  • Poetic and prose exercises give students the opportunity to study aspects of poetry and prose and creatively respond to what they learn
  • Exercises on key Scriptural concepts encourage students to ponder, reflect, and apply the truths they encounter in their reading
  • Essays give students the chance to digest, organize, and express what they have learned in their own words

Edited by R.A. Sheats & Joshua Schwisow

181 Pages, Paperback

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