Brinkman Adventures Season 6*
Underground Rising
Press play, fasten your seatbelts and hang on as you step back in time to war-torn Holland. The Brinkmans’ great-grandparents must choose between protecting themselves from the Nazis, or aiding the Jews in this riveting tale based on real-life events. Then Jack & Ian join Dave Eubank and his Free Burma Rangers in a daring mission to save a Burmese village from a pursuing army bent on destruction. Season 6 continues in the tradition of high octane, faith growing stories.
This award-winning audio drama series weaves together incredible missionary accounts with the humorous escapades of the Brinkman family. These powerful, faith-building stories will inspire both young and old to follow Jesus with abandon.
Includes 6 episodes on 2 CD's:
- Dutch Underground Part 1 (Resisting Evil)
- Dutch Underground Part 2 (Helping When it's Risky)
- Twice Born Fly (Salvation)
- I Wondor Why? (Trusting God's Plan)
- Free Burma Rangers Part 1 (Can God Use a Warrior)
- Free Burma Rangers Part 2 (God Guides)
Ages: 6-Adult
Approx. 155 minutes